Tessel Bossen is an Associate at BRS NL.
She specializes in antitrust damages claims. Tessel is regularly involved as counsel to plaintiffs who are looking for recovery of damages from antitrust cartels or abuses of dominant positions. For example, Tessel has been involved in various damages claims in the context of the so-called Trucks cartel matter, amongst others on behalf of the foundation “Stichting Truck Cartel Recovery“. Furthermore, Tessel is engaged in damages claims against major tech giants. In that context her background in information law proves to be very useful.
Before joining BRS, Hans led an antitrust litigation team that successfully challenged a price-fixing cartel in the market for books in Holland; Hans and his team forced the Dutch book cartel to abandon the cross-border nature of its price fixing, a result that earned Hans quite a reputation in the media and entertainment industries. Hans also brought down the monopoly the Belgian government held on radio frequencies for state aided broadcasters. Due to his efforts, the Belgian authorities were forced to revise their legislation regarding this matter. Amongst many other matters, Hans also handled a case regarding a major toy manufacturer employing dual pricing.
Hans is a member of the American Bar Association (ABA) and the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA). He is also a member of the Antitrust Litigation Working Group of the International Bar Association (IBA) and is co-chair of the IBA Working Group Digital Economy.